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These are a few of the adjectives I typically use when describing Hydramat. I am not one who is easily impressed or given to overstatement. But what do you say about a product that defies simple explanation and far exceeds expectation?
Hydramat is the simple solution to fuel starvation in autosports when fuel cells are low and g-forces strong. Holley tapped into some pretty advanced physics with the Hydramat, which uses a microfiber-type media that wicks fuel wherever it can touch is (regardless of how much media is exposed to air.) Don't take my word for it--watch this video:
At this point you probably won't be surprised to hear me say "But wait, there's more!" We don't throw in any Ginsu knives, but this media also provides filtration all the way down to 15 microns. That is more than adequate as a pre-filter material--it is fully adequate filtration for the entire EFI fuel system. So, while the prices may seem steep, when you deduct the cost of not only filters but the plethora of fittings required to install them, suddenly you realize you can't afford not to install HydraMat in any motorsports fuel system (Alcohol, Ethanol, Methanol, and E-85.) Works with 2-cycle oil blends up to 20:1. Hyrdramat is not compatible with Diesel or other fluids.)