-11% Sniper Power Distribution Module PDM

Newsflash: While it was introduced at the same time and available kitted with the Holley Sniper 2 EFI System, there is not one reason you can't use it with any of Holley's throttle-body EFI systems. The Sniper Power Distribution Module works great with Terminator X and the original Sniper EFI Systems.

Strictly speaking, the PDM is an optional accessory. On the other hand, if you are planning to now or in the future install a HyperSpark distributor or control an electric fan then by all means you will want to consider the PDM. With one pair of wires to the battery, the PDM provides power to the ECU, the fuel pump, the ignition system and a single electric fan. Because it includes solid-state relays it eliminates the need for a relay on either the pump or the fan. Much neater!

The PDM eliminates the need for terminating any of the required connections for either the EFI system (power, ground, switched 12-volts, and fuel pump control) or the HyperSpark ignition (power, ground, switched 12-volts, and points in / out). Simply cleanly strip the wire and attach to the PDM using the bus-bar attaching points. Done!

The PDM can even supply power and ground to both the fuel pump and a single electric fan--four more wires you're not going to have to terminate with a crimp-connector and expensive sealed terminals. While installations vary, you can conceivably install the entire system without terminating a single wire other than the battery connection itself. Too easy, super clean. The kit even includes correct-gauge wire for the power, ground, and switched 12-volt inputs and crimp-terminals and shrink-wrap for the power and ground wires. No trips into town to finish the job.

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Sniper Power Distribution Module PDM

  • Views: 13621
  • Brand: Sniper EFI
  • Product Code: 554-200
  • Availability: In Stock
  • $173.95
  • $153.95