-11% Vapor Guard EFI Hose (10 ft)

It is a happy day when you can get buy the best and pay less than what you would for an inferior substitute.

Because that statement is true, today is a happy day if you are shopping for EFI fuel hose because Earl's Vapor Guard EFI Fuel Hose is the very best EFI fuel hose on the market today and you will pay less for it than if you went down to your local auto parts outlet and picked up the same length of bulk EFI fuel line.

Consider the fact that even a high-quality OE replacement fuel hose does nothing about the amazing amount of fuel lost due to vapors permeating the hose wall. While it only amounts to a few dollars a year in gasoline, that does nothing good for our world's environment--to speak nothing of the environment in your garage.

Earl's Vapor-Guard EFI Fuel Hose is an ideal choice for applications where a braided nylon or stainless steel is not required. Since that includes virtually every car on the street, you see why this hose has become so popular. And, at a fraction of the cost and ten times the convenience of braided line, this decision should be a slam dunk.

Earl's Vapor Guard Hose Size Selection

We recommend 3/8-inch hose for all applications flowing over 190 liters per hour (50 gallons per hour), which is enough to feed 500 NA horsepower. 3/8-inch hose is adequate for applications up to 450 liters per hour (120 gallons per hour), feeds up to almost 1200 HP. If your engine is in that range (450-950 HP turbo/supercharged) then 3/8-inch fuel line is a good choice. 5/16-inch hose is a good choice for flow ratings below 190 LPH, or as a return fuel line on any application at or below 450 liters per hour.


Earl's Vapor Guard hose is available in 10- and 20- foot rolls. If you order quantity 1, you will receive one 10-foot roll. If you order quantity 2, you will receive one 20-foot roll. If you order quantity 3, you will receive one 10-foot and one 20-foot roll. If you need a single piece of hose that is longer than 20 feet, let us know. Holley/Earls has plans to make this available in bulk lengths, but has not done so at this writing.

MaterialRubber with thermoplastic, aramid braid and other layers
OEM ReplacementNo
Unit of Salefoot

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Vapor Guard EFI Hose (10 ft)

  • Views: 28038
  • Brand: Earl'ss
  • Product Code: 751055ERL | 751066ERL
  • Availability: In Stock
  • $76.95
  • $68.39

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