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Holley Instructional Video: Holley Self Tuning Capability

Posted by Chris Myer 05/29/15 1 Comment(s) Instructional Videos,

Holley Self Tuning Capability



If you're like most people, just looking at all the numbers on a fuel map makes you dizzy--and the thought of adjusting them just a bit nauseous! In this demonstration, you'll watch a fuel map that has been virtually destroyed completely re-tune itself automatically. Look Ma, no brains required!


Transcript: Today we're going to demonstrate the self-tuning fuel capabilities of the new Holley Avenger, HP, and Dominator EFI systems. We're going to demonstrate the amazing capabilities this self-tuning feature offers on our DTS engine dyno here at Holley.


For this demonstration, we're going to remove fifty percent of the fuel from the base fuel table of this engine. After that, we'll enable the self tuning and we'll demonstrate how quickly self tuning re-learns the fuel necessary for this engine. The first thing you do is allow the engine to idle. We let the engine idle for a few seconds and you can watch the screen as the self-tuning is performed. You can see, on what's called the Learn Table, that it's adding the fuel back in for the engine to run properly. After the idle learning is completed, we're going to do a wide-open throttle pull to demonstrate how quickly the system can learn. Realize that this engine has had fifty percent of the fuel removed from what it needs.


We'll start the dyno pull and we can watch the self-tuning screen and watch it as it adds fuel during the pull. Since such an extreme amount of fuel was taken out, we can't do a full learn on the first dyno pull, so we'll do one more pull. We might make another dyno pull so the system can do all the learning it needs.


After the second dyno pull, all the learning that was necessary has been performed. With the learning complete at idle and wide-open throttle, we'll now allow the engine to learn a part throttle and higher RPMs. This would be simulating driving the vehicle around out on the road. We can just increase the throttle and allow the engine to learn at different speeds and loads. This demonstration on the dyno duplicates exactly what will happen as you drive your vehicle around with the Holley Avenger, HP, or Dominator system. This self-learning fuel strategy eliminates one of the most difficult, time-consuming areas of EFI tuning, and that is tuning the base fuel table.


All of the advanced new features of the new Holley Avenger, HP, and Dominator EFI systems will now turn the fuel injection tuning process into an enjoyable and fun experience instead of the more tiring and difficult process that it used to be. We hope you enjoyed this demonstration of Holley's new advanced self-tuning fuel strategy, and hope you will see how it will benefit you in your quest for EFI tuning perfection.

1 Comment(s)

06/1/21, 11:03:57 AM

Great information. Very helpful!

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Jason Aliengena
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Posted 05/04/2020
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Posted 12/01/2020